Our final exam

Our final exam

על ידי מיכל טל בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0

Dear Students, 

 It has been a lovely experience to teach you this semester and see your progress in the integration of data from different sources and its delivery in the form of oral presentations. I hope you also feel that this course has been beneficial for you.

Our final exam will be held next Monday, 26.8, in the CALL Lab (our building - 3rd floor, room 315), 10.00-12.30. You can bring any material with you, and you will have access to online dictionaries. Students entitled to time extension can write till 13.15.

The exam consists of the six following sections:

  1. Definitions (5 points)
  2. Summary (17 points)
  3. Comparison (20 points)
  4. Trends Description (20 points)
  5. Vocabulary - Parts of Speech (18 points)
  6. Grammar (20 points)

I am attaching your course grades calculated on the basis of your joint presentations, your Scientific News presentation and your active participation in class. [Those marked in pink have not presented all four presentations yet and are welcome to do it on Monday at 14.00.] In case you do not pass the exam, your course grade will be added to your exam grade.

In accordance with your request, I am sending another practice exam, as well as ythe key to the cloze on ChatGPT. 

Thanks for a fruitful semester and see you all on Monday,
