אפשרויות גישה ושיוך לתפקיד בקורס

Brief: The advent of high throughput sequencing is virtually changing biology and medicine. The technology enables us to catalog the entire functional parts list of living organisms from bacteria to human, develop and validate regulatory networks for controlling gene expression in systems biology models, and develop novel biomarkers for personalized medicine that guide pharmacological treatments. 


What will you learn: I will review the foundations of the field, starting from Sanger sequencing through Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and emerging single-molecule DNA sequencing techniques, including fluorescence and nanopore-based methods. I’ll analyse commercial successes and failures and focus on a few clinical applications such as predicting drug response. Finally, we’ll get a glimpse to the emerging single protein molecule sequencing. 

אורחים אינם יכולים לגשת לקורס זה, יש לבצע הזדהות במערכת לשם צפיה בעמוד זה.