Single monitor setup with slide show view in a window

Follow these steps if you have a single monitor and want to share your PowerPoint presentation in slide show view, but have it contained in a window rather than in full screen. This is useful if you need to access meeting features like in-meeting chat or managing participants while sharing your PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to present.
  2. Click the Slide Show tab then Set Up Slide Show.
  3. Under Show type, select Browsed by an individual (window), then click OK.
  4. Switch PowerPoint to slide show mode by clicking the Slide Show tab > From Beginning or From Current Slide.

    PowerPoint will display the slide show in a window.
  5. In Zoom, start or join a meeting.
  6. Click Share Screen in the meeting controls.
  7. Select the PowerPoint window then click Share.


Last modified: Monday, 11 January 2021, 12:04 PM